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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 1079 Red Mountain Serving Mesa and Surrounding Areas

Region 1079 Ref Training

AYSO is built on volunteers and without people willing to step up and help out we would not be able to offer our kids a chance to play this great game the AYSO way!

Referees are as critical to soccer as players and coaches. In AYSO, the game can’t be played if there aren’t enough referees. It’s most common for a volunteer to begin their AYSO referee career by refereeing their own child’s game. However, as they learn the Laws of the Game, develop their own techniques for managing players, coaches and fans, and gain an appreciation for how important the role of the referee is to a fun, fair and safe soccer experience, they often find it very rewarding to expand their knowledge and experience through AYSO’s advanced training and certification process.

AYSO’s referee training is considered some of the best in the U.S. and includes both in-person courses in your community and online opportunities. Soccer knowledge is a plus, but is certainly not required. The AYSO referee training will give you all you need to know to have a terrific experience on the field.

Referee Training
Must attend one session
August 17th - Ishikawa Elementary, 8am to 2pm
August 24th - Las Sendas Elementary, 8am to 2pm

Regional (Basic) Referee Classes

It is important that you go to to register for live classes in your area or to take the training online. The online training will cost $7 per course while the live training will be provided by the region at no cost. We prefer that you take the training in person. 

Concussion Training Course

All volunteers will be required to complete the Concussion Training Course.

This is a state law. Please take the course offered by AYSO / CDC. The course takes about 30 minutes to complete and it could make a big difference to a child. We can help athletes stay active and healthy by knowing the facts about concussion and when it is safe for athletes to return to play.
Here is the link to the training:


Who needs training?

Anyone who is going to referee a 10U or older game this season. This includes the U6/U8 coaches/refs, the U10 and U12 center refs, and anyone who will be assisting (line refs or AR's).

Who is responsible for providing referees for each game?

This depends, again, on the age division.

a) 6U division: Both coaches will jointly referee the game.

b) 8U division: Each team is responsible for providing a referee when they are the home team.

c) 10U division: The home team will be responsible for providing a center referee for their own game. Each team is responsible for providing an assistant referee for their own game.

d) 12U through 19U divisions: We will attempt to schedule a center and 2 assistant referees for each game. However, if there are no assistant referees, each team shall provide an assistant for the game.

Please note that ALL referees can do assistant referee duties in the upper divisions.


Always remember that the game is for the players.
Player safety and fair play come first.

Study and learn the laws of the Game and understand the "spirit" of the Laws. Help fellow referees do the same.

Encourage and enforce the AYSO Philosophies of "Everyone Plays," "Positive Coaching" and "Good Sportsmanship."

Respect other referees' decisions and do not publicly criticize another official.

Wear the proper uniform and keep it in good condition.

Maintain good physical condition so you can keep up with the action.

Stay calm when confronted with emotional reactions from players, coaches and parents.

Honor accepted game assignments. In an emergency, find a replacement.

Support good sportsmanship with a kind word to players, coaches and parents of both teams when deserved.

Always be fair and impartial, avoiding conflicts of interest. Decisions based on personal bias are dishonest and unacceptable.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 1079 Red Mountain Serving Mesa and Surrounding Areas

P.O. Box 21414 
Mesa, Arizona 85277

Email Us: [email protected]
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